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15 Reasons to be a Digital Nomad in Georgia

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Thinking about becoming a digital nomad in Georgia? Let me convince you! I’ve been a digital nomad for six years and loved my time living in Georgia.

Diving into a new place like Georgia as a digital nomad, especially when it’s not as talked about as places like Bali or Lisbon, can feel like a leap into the unknown.

You’re probably wondering if the internet’s up to speed, if there’s a community there, or if you’ll manage to live comfortably without breaking the bank.

Having bounced around as a digital nomad for the last six years, I’ve seen my fair share of hits and misses when it comes to finding the right spot. Georgia has been on my radar for a while now, and I didn’t know if it would live up to the hype.

However, I’m happy to say that it definitely passed the expectations vs. reality test!

Here are 15 reasons why Georgia could just be the next spot you’ll want to set up your laptop and call home for a while.

Digital Nomad Georgia: Why You’ll Love It

1. The Landscapes Will Make Your Jaw Drop

A woman standing on a snowy road with mountains in the background.

Georgia’s landscapes offer a remarkable variety that’s a dream if you’re like me and love nature and outdoor adventures.

While in Tbilisi, I was amazed at the number of day trips available that lead straight into the heart of the mountains. These trips allowed me to switch from urban exploration to being amidst towering peaks and serene landscapes within just a few hours.

But my most memorable outdoor experience on my Georgia itinerary was exploring Svaneti. This region is not just visually stunning but also culturally rich, showcasing the diversity of Georgia’s natural beauty.

From the ancient stone towers piercing the sky to the vast, open valleys below, Svaneti encapsulates the rugged essence of the Georgian wilderness.

Whether you’re hiking, skiing, or simply soaking in the thermal springs scattered across the countryside, there’s no shortage of ways to get outside.

For anyone drawn to the mountains and the great outdoors, Georgia is an exceptional base.

2. You Can Stay for a Year Visa-Free

A woman standing on a railing overlooking snow covered mountains.

Another compelling reason why Georgia is a great digital nomad destination is its liberal visa policies.

Georgia offers a generous visa-free regime that allows citizens from more than 98 countries to enter and stay in the country for up to one year without a digital nomad visa.

This unparalleled openness makes it incredibly easy for digital nomads to pick up and move to Georgia on a whim, providing the flexibility and freedom that are so crucial to the nomadic lifestyle.

During the pandemic, the country also introduced the “Remotely From Georgia” visa program, but as of 2024, this program is no longer active.

Americans and Canadians do not need to submit a digital nomad visa application or visa application form online anymore, as you can stay in Georgia visa-free for 365 days.

This openness is not just about easing the logistical burdens of travel; it shows Georgia’s welcoming stance towards international visitors and digital nomads.

3. Your Money Goes Far

An aerial view of the city of tbilisi, georgia.

The next reason Georgia is becoming a hot spot for digital nomads is the affordable cost of living, which I experienced firsthand.

Living in Georgia can be significantly cheaper than in many Western countries. You can find comfortable accommodation for a fraction of what you’d pay in most North American cities.

My stint in Georgia was short-term, but it provided a rich snapshot of the accommodation landscape. On average, I spent around $40 a night on places to stay, which ranged from 4-star hotels to charming one-bedroom lofts in Tbilisi’s Old Town sourced from Airbnb.

If you commit to a month-long stay or longer, the prices drop considerably.

Eating out, Bolts (the equivalent of Uber), and day trips didn’t break the bank. It was refreshing to be in a place where financial stress didn’t loom over every decision.

Moreover, the quality of life doesn’t suffer because of the affordability. The local markets are filled with fresh, local produce, and the city teems with cafes and coworking spaces that cater to the needs of digital nomads, offering fast internet and comfortable working environments at reasonable prices.

For those considering Georgia as their next destination, I recommend diving into the specifics of the cost of living in various cities. Websites like Numbeo and provide detailed cost of living comparisons, allowing you to budget effectively.

4. Steeped in Culture

A group of people around a table with food.

Georgia’s vibrant culture will deeply resonate with anyone who steps foot on its soil – it’s ingrained in everything around you.

During my stay, I was particularly moved by how eager locals were to share their rich heritage, especially through the tradition of supras, or traditional Georgian feasts.

These gatherings are not just about enjoying the incredible variety of Georgian cuisine; they’re a cultural ceremony, where stories are shared, toasts are made, and guests are welcomed with open hearts.

It’s a practice that has survived centuries, a testament to the Georgian spirit of hospitality and community. As a guest, being invited to a supra is an honor, offering a unique window into the soul of Georgian life.

Beyond the supras, the country’s music, dance, and art scenes are thriving, showcasing a blend of traditional and contemporary expressions.

My advice to fellow travelers and digital nomads is to dive headfirst into the cultural experiences Georgia offers. Attend a folk music performance, visit the museums that house centuries-old artifacts, and, if you’re lucky enough to be invited to a supra, embrace it fully.

5. Safety for Solo Female Travelers

A woman standing in front of a building with a banner.

As a solo female traveler, safety is always a concern for me. I was traveling from South America, where vigilance is a constant companion, so stepping into Georgia felt like a breath of fresh air.

Georgia is often praised for its safety, and I can attest to this. Walking through the streets of Tbilisi at night, exploring the ancient ruins and vibrant marketplaces, I consistently felt secure and at ease.

This sense of security isn’t just anecdotal. Various travel forums and government travel advisories acknowledge Georgia’s low crime rate, especially in comparison to other popular digital nomad destinations. According to Numbeo data, Georgia is the 4th safest country worldwide and the safest in Europe.

However, it’s always wise to exercise common sense and stay aware of your surroundings, no matter how safe a country is reputed to be.

6. Tbilisi’s Charm and Livability

A woman sitting on a brick wall.

Tbilisi had been high on my list of want-to-visit digital nomad destinations for quite some time, fueled by tales of its vibrant culture, rich history, and welcoming atmosphere.

Upon arrival, it quickly became clear that Tbilisi wasn’t just going to meet my expectations—it was set to exceed them.

Tbilisi is, in many ways, a digital nomad’s dream. Its streets are a delightful maze of cafes and coworking spaces, each with its own character and offering the perfect backdrop for productive days.

The affordability of living in Tbilisi is a breath of fresh air, particularly for those accustomed to the steep costs of more established nomad hubs.

The nightlife in Tbilisi is another aspect that stood out for me. From laid-back wine bars where you can savor Georgia’s famous vintages to lively clubs that keep the party going until dawn, there’s something for everyone.

It’s a city that passed the “expectation vs. reality” test with flying colors, offering everything you need and more to craft a fulfilling, balanced lifestyle. See more of Tbilisi in my video below!

7. The Food is Next Level

A table with food and glasses.

Georgia’s cuisine is a feast for the senses, a fact that became delightfully apparent even in my short visit.

From the savory goodness of freshly baked lobiani (bean-filled bread) to the sweet delight of churchkhela (nutty grape candy), every dish tells a story of Georgia’s history, traditions, and the local produce that seasons its landscape.

Georgian meals are a true reflection of the country’s rich culture and hospitality. Dining isn’t just about eating; it’s an experience, an opportunity to gather and share in the joy of delicious food.

The only “problem” with Georgian food is that it’s so irresistibly good that keeping an eye on your waistline becomes a real challenge.

Even during my brief stay, I noticed a few extra pounds, thanks to the deliciousness of dishes like khachapuri (cheesy bread) and khinkali (dumplings), which are impossible to resist having seconds of.

But here’s the silver lining to the culinary indulgence: Georgia is an adventurer’s playground, offering countless opportunities to stay active and balance out the foodie escapades.

8. And So is the Wine

A group of wine glasses lined up on a table.

Georgia’s wine culture is deeply woven into the fabric of the country, reflecting a tradition that spans over 8,000 years. Known as the birthplace of wine, this rich heritage is something every visitor should experience.

Georgian winemaking is unique. It primarily uses the ancient qvevri method, where wine is fermented and stored in large earthenware vessels buried underground.

The result is a diverse array of wines, from crisp whites and hearty reds to amber wines, that have gained international acclaim for their complexity and uniqueness.

My journey into the heart of Georgia’s wine culture was highlighted by an unforgettable wine tour with Eat This in Kakheti, the country’s premier wine-producing region.

In Tbilisi and beyond, wine bars and cellars offer the chance to explore Georgia’s vast viticulture without leaving the city. These venues often host wine tastings, pairing sessions, and educational events to deepen visitors’ appreciation of Georgian wine.

Get 5% off any tour with Eat This! using code LORA5

9. You’ll be Warmly Welcomed

A group of people around a table with food.

During my travels, I’ve experienced various levels of hospitality, but nothing quite compares to the warmth and generosity I encountered in Georgia. From the moment I arrived, I was blown away by the hospitality.

Imagine sitting at a table with plates of delicious food stacked on top of each other, glasses being constantly refilled with the country’s famous wine, and receiving heartfelt invitations into locals’ homes.

It’s not just a saying; in Georgia, “the guest is god,” and I truly felt like one.

This level of warmth and welcome plays a significant role in why digital nomads should consider Georgia as their next destination. It’s not just about finding a place to work; it’s about being embraced by a community that makes you feel at home, even when you’re miles away from your own.

10. Endless Adventures

A woman in a black shirt and hat holding purple scarfs in the snow.

Georgia is an absolute dream for anyone with a thirst for adventure, and my experiences there couldn’t highlight this more.

From trekking through vibrant landscapes, gliding down snowy slopes on skis or a snowboard, to even finding hikes and ziplines right in Tbilisi, the country offers endless activities to do in your off time.

One of the charms of living in Georgia, especially for someone who doesn’t miss the harsh winters of Canada but longs for the change of seasons, is its climate.

Georgia beautifully offers this seasonal diversity, allowing you to experience the warmth of summer, the colorful transitions of autumn, the crisp air of winter, and the fresh bloom of spring.

11. Gateway to Travel Opportunities

A church on top of a snow covered mountain.

If you happen to get bored of exploring Georgia, you don’t have to go far to find new places.

Georgia’s strategic position, nestled between Europe and Asia, makes it an exceptional base for digital nomads with a case of wanderlust. Its connectivity through affordable flights to various destinations is a game-changer for those looking to explore the region without breaking the bank.

What’s more, Georgia’s proximity to neighboring countries adds to its allure. You can easily take a day trip to Armenia from Tbilisi—such adventures are not only possible but are effortless, thanks to Georgia’s central location.

12. Great Expat Scene

A group of people posing for a picture at a table.

For someone like me, where community is everything, Georgia’s expat scene is an appealing factor. While Georgia’s digital nomad community is still on the rise, the vibrancy and warmth of the people here are unmatched.

The expats and locals alike are passionate about their love for the country and are always eager to show newcomers the ropes.

During my stay, I met many individuals who came for a short visit and ended up making Georgia their home for years, which speaks to the country. Georgia feels like a spot where you could easily get “stuck,” not because you’re lost, but because you’ve found a piece of home.

Georgia’s growing expat and digital nomad community means there are plenty of networking opportunities, whether through social events, co-working spaces, or online platforms.

These communities provide support, friendship, and professional connections that can make living in Georgia an enriching experience.

13. You Can Register a Company + Tax Benefits

One of the standout features for digital nomads considering Georgia as their base is the ease of registering a company. The process is streamlined, making it incredibly accessible for foreigners looking to establish a business.

The ability to quickly set up a legal entity not only facilitates the practical side of running an online business but also opens up a world of opportunities.

To make it even better, Georgia presents an enticing opportunity with its Individual Entrepreneur Scheme. This special tax scheme is tailored for Individual Entrepreneurs (IEs) registered in Georgia, offering significant tax advantages that are hard to overlook.

By applying, eligible IEs can enjoy a minimal tax rate of 1% on turnover, up to an annual maximum of 500,000 GEL (approx 200,000 USD).

14. Every Building Tells a Story

An aerial view of the city of yerevan from the top of a cliff.

As the cradle of what’s considered the first European civilization, Georgia offers a unique glimpse into the past with its stunning array of old buildings.

The sense of history is palpable throughout the country. From the ancient stone of the Svetitskhoveli Cathedral to the timeless streets of Old Tbilisi, every place you visit is steeped in stories.

Walking through the streets, I was captivated by the beauty and the stories these buildings told, each one a chapter from a past era, inviting you to step back in time.

For anyone with a love for history and a keen sense of curiosity, Georgia is a destination that offers endless stories to discover and cherish.

15. Friendly Dogs Everywhere

A woman posing with her dog near a lake.

Okay, maybe the presence of friendly dogs everywhere isn’t the sole reason to move to a country, but for a dog lover like me, it’s a huge plus!

Georgia, particularly its cities, is known for its street dogs, who are surprisingly well-cared for. The local municipalities tag and spray them, ensuring they’re healthy and monitored. And let me tell you, these dogs seem to thrive on the Georgian cuisine, often appearing well-fed and content.

Walking through the streets and seeing these happy, tail-wagging companions adds a layer of joy to everyday digital nomad life.

Don’t forget health insurance – I use and love SafetyWing global health coverage to protect myself everywhere I go!

Living in Georgia Country Pros and Cons

Affordable Cost of LivingLanguage Barrier
Georgia’s cost of living is significantly lower than in many Western countries, making it an attractive option for those looking to stretch their budget further.While English is increasingly spoken, especially among the younger population, the Georgian language can be a barrier for deeper integration and communication in some areas.
Rich Cultural ExperiencesEmerging Infrastructure
From its ancient wine-making traditions to vibrant dance and music, Georgia offers a wealth of cultural experiences that invite exploration.While Georgia is rapidly developing, some areas outside major cities may still have emerging infrastructure, affecting everything from roads to public services.
Strategic LocationLong Driving Times
Nestled between Europe and Asia, Georgia’s location makes it a great base for exploring neighboring countries and regions.Due to its diverse landscapes and sometimes challenging terrain, getting from one place to another can involve long driving times.
Friendly CommunityCrazy Drivers
The warmth and hospitality of the Georgian people make it easy to feel at home, contributing to a strong sense of community.The driving style in Georgia can be aggressive and unpredictable, posing a challenge for those not accustomed to the local driving culture.
Tax Benefits for EntrepreneursCultural and Social Adjustments
With schemes like the Small Business Status, Georgia is attractive for entrepreneurs and freelancers looking for tax advantages.Adapting to the local culture and social norms can take time, and the differences in social interactions, business practices, and the pace of life may be challenging for some.
Beautiful, Diverse LandscapesSeasonal Air Quality in Cities
Georgia’s diverse landscapes offer everything from mountains to beaches, catering to all sorts of outdoor enthusiasts.In certain seasons, cities like Tbilisi can experience poor air quality, which might be a concern for those with respiratory issues or for anyone used to cleaner air environments.
Living in Georgia pros and cons

An old car is parked in front of a building.

FAQ: Georgia Digital Nomad

Can I work remotely from Georgia?

Yes, you can work remotely from Georgia, which offers excellent internet connectivity and a growing community of digital nomads.

Is Tbilisi good for digital nomads?

Absolutely, Tbilisi is popular among digital nomads for its affordable living, vibrant culture, and supportive expat community.

Is Georgia a visa free country?

For many countries, yes. Citizens from over 90 countries can enter Georgia visa-free for short stays.

Does Georgia tax remote workers?

Remote workers generally do not pay Georgian income tax if they are not considered tax residents (staying less than 183 days in a 12-month period).

Does Georgia have digital nomad visa?

During the pandemic, Georgia introduced a “Remotely from Georgia” program, but it has since been discontinued.

Is Georgia a cheap country?

Yes, Georgia is considered affordable, with a low cost of living compared to many Western countries.

How long can Americans stay in Georgia?

Americans can stay in Georgia visa-free for up to one year.

Is Tbilisi safe to visit?

Yes, Tbilisi is generally safe for visitors, with a low crime rate and a welcoming atmosphere for tourists.

What is the 183 day rule in Georgia?

The 183-day rule in Georgia determines tax residency; if you stay in Georgia for more than 183 days in any 12-month period, you are considered a tax resident.

A castle with a bridge over it.

Final Thoughts: Digital Nomad Georgia

With its affordable living, rich cultural experiences, and welcoming community, Georgia offers a unique set of advantages for those looking to combine work and adventure.

Whether you’re attracted to the renowned hospitality, the diverse climate and landscapes, or the straightforward business environment, Georgia has something for everyone.

From the lively streets of Tbilisi to the tranquil beauty of its countryside, Georgia is where work and exploration converge, where history meets modernity, and where every day presents a new discovery.

So, if you’re looking for your next destination where you can seamlessly work remotely while experiencing a deep cultural experience, Georgia should be at the top of your list.

A woman looks out over a snow-covered mountainous landscape with the text "15 reasons to live in georgia" above her.

Not convinced? Check out these other digital nomad destinations!


  • Lora Pope

    Lora is a full-time digital nomad on a quest to visit every country in the world and pet as many dogs as she can along the way. Over the last 15 years, she has traveled to 70+ countries and six continents solo. She currently calls Puerto Vallarta, Mexico home and enjoys ending each day with sunset and tacos on the beach.

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