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Nomad Cruise Review: Is It Worth It?

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Ever thought about taking a Nomad Cruise and wondered if it’s really worth the investment? Well, I’ve been on one—the Antarctica cruise, the priciest one they offer—and I’ve got some firsthand insights to share in this Nomad Cruise review.

Honestly, I never considered going on a cruise before. As a solo traveler who loves adventuring, the idea of being stuck on a floating resort had zero appeal to me. But Nomad Cruise completely changed my perspective.

If you’re like many digital nomads I know, you might be asking whether this kind of cruise can genuinely boost your lifestyle and career, or if it’s just an exciting yet fleeting adventure.

I know how crucial it is to make smart choices about where to spend your resources, so I’ll give you the lowdown on what to really expect. From finding a new community to spontaneous partnerships that sprouted from casual chats, I’ll cover the aspects that make Nomad Cruise worth every penny.

So, if you’re on the fence about hopping aboard for your next digital nomad adventure, read on as I unpack everything this digital nomad cruise has to offer.

Join me on Nomad Cruise 13 to Japan! Get €100 using promo code explorewithlorabcs

What is Nomad Cruise?

A group of people cheering on a ship's helipad with serene icy waters and snow-covered mountains in the background.
Photo Credit: Tijmen Hobbel (@brainbow_photography

Nomad Cruise is essentially a conference at sea, but it’s so much more than your typical business gathering. Designed for digital nomads, entrepreneurs, and anyone interested in a location-independent lifestyle, it combines professional development with an adventurous travel experience.

Participants have the opportunity to attend workshops, network with like-minded individuals, and enjoy leisure activities, all while sailing to stunning destinations.

The cruise I attended, bound for Antarctica, was particularly unique. Unlike the regular Nomad Cruise programs which feature a packed schedule of conferences and social events, this was an adventure cruise of just 50 nomads.

rookery of penguins in antartica

We didn’t follow the traditional conference itinerary. Instead, our days were filled with exploring breathtaking landscapes and encountering wildlife.

Despite the unconventional setup, the connections made and the knowledge gained were still incredible. The intimate setting allowed for deeper interactions and discussions, making it easy to form deep bonds with participants.

Nomad Cruise 13 will be a blend of adventure and professional develepment. Set to travel from Canada to Japan, this voyage will include stops in breathtaking destinations in Alaska and Japan.

These shore excursions will complement the schedule of talks and workshops planned for days at sea, ensuring that every aspect of the nomadic lifestyle—from practical skills to awe-inspiring explorations—is covered.

Four penguins on a snowy slope with a bay surrounded by mountains and a ship in the distance, in a polar landscape.

My Personal Experience on Nomad Cruise Antarctica

Going on my first Nomad Cruise to Antarctica, I was pretty nervous about not knowing anyone. I was worried I might feel left out since many people were returning from previous cruises. But that fear was unnecessary; everyone was incredibly welcoming, and by the end of the 10 days, it felt like we’d been friends forever.

The trip itself was everything I hoped for and more. We traveled with Oceanwide Expeditions, whose crew of enthusiastic scientists made sure we got plenty of time onshore, up close with the incredible wildlife.

Navigating the Drake Passage for two days each way was a bit rough, but having the Nomad Cruise community around made it a lot more enjoyable. We even set up a pop-up tattoo parlor on the way back, which shows just how creative and fun-loving this group is! Check out some of our shenanigans in the video below.

Even though it wasn’t your typical conference with back-to-back seminars, we still had some great skill-sharing sessions on topics like photography, and themed dinners where we talked about everything from polyamory to scaling your business.

The connections I made went beyond just the cruise. Afterward, many of us ended up in Buenos Aires for weeks. There was also an official Nomad Cruise reunion where many of the NC12 passengers from Brazil came too!

a large group of digital nomads in front of a building in buenos aires argentina
Nomad Cruise reunion in Buenos Aires

I even went to Carnival in Rio with a few friends from the cruise the month after. This experience showed me that the cruise is really just the beginning; the community you become part of lasts much longer.

Looking forward to the next cruise to Japan, I’m excited to reconnect with everyone and create more amazing memories.

Join me on Nomad Cruise 13 to Japan! Get €100 using promo code explorewithlorabcs

Why Join Nomad Cruise

Educational and Networking Opportunities

A lot of young people in a big hall listening to a speaker

One of the biggest draws of Nomad Cruise is the variety of workshops, talks, and networking events that cater to almost every aspect of the digital nomad lifestyle.

Whether it’s professional development in areas like SEO, programming, and marketing, or personal growth topics such as breathing techniques, relaxation, and managing relationships, there’s something for everyone to learn. You can check out the previous conference program here.

There are so many digital nomad skills you need to have to succeed, and this is a great place to learn them.

On my previous cruise to Antarctica, even though the format was more adventure-focused and less conventional, I still walked away with a ton of valuable insights. There were informal skill-sharing sessions on a wide range of topics.

I particularly benefited from our conversations on how to scale a business, which gave me new ideas to apply to my own. The atmosphere is so inspiring—being surrounded by fellow nomads who are all eager to share their knowledge and experiences.

Being on a ship with like-minded people, away from the usual distractions, allows for deeper engagement and a real exchange of ideas. You leave these sessions not just with knowledge, but with practical tips and strategies that can be immediately implemented into your own nomad lifestyle.

Community and Social Interaction

A group of joyful people in varied attire posing together on a snowy landscape with icebergs in the background.
Photo Credit: Tijmen Hobbel (@brainbow_photography

The community vibe on Nomad Cruise is something else, it’s a huge part of what makes these cruises so unforgettable. You meet people from all walks of life—software engineers, coaches, creatives, CEOs—and everyone’s in the same boat (literally and figuratively), looking to learn and connect.

During my Antarctica trip, it struck me just how many folks are return cruisers, which really shows the strength of the connections made on board. But if you’re new, don’t worry about feeling left out. Sure, the first day might feel like everyone knows each other with all the hugging and happy reunions, but you’ll be making your own new friends in no time.

six women wearing black pose on top of a glacier in antarctica
By day 3 we were already stripping on a glacier!

After the cruise, I continued traveling with some of the people I met, exploring Argentina and Brazil together. We’ve kept in touch and now we’re even planning to meet up in Mexico City soon! It’s pretty amazing to think that you can meet people in such a setting and then continue to cross paths and support each other down the line.

Nomad Cruise isn’t just about networking—it’s about building a community that sticks with you, making the nomadic lifestyle a bit more connected and a lot more fun.

Explore Amazing Destinations

a humpback whale tail in front of icebergs in antarctica

One of the biggest draws of the Nomad Cruise, of course, is getting to travel with a fantastic group of people. It’s all about discovering new places together, which makes every destination more memorable.

For Nomad Cruise 13, we’re setting sail from Vancouver, Canada, and heading all the way to Tokyo, Japan. Along the way, we’ll stop at some truly incredible places.

First, we’ll visit Sitka, an Alaskan town with its own unique charm and a rich history. Then it’s off to Kodiak Island, where I’m hoping to see the famous Kodiak bear in its natural habitat.

The cruise also stops in Kushiro in Eastern Hokkaido, Japan, a place I visited last year with the Adventure Travel Trade Association. This town is not just a peaceful place; it’s a nature lover’s dream. The vast Kushiro Marsh is home to wildlife like deer, sea eagles, and Japanese cranes.

A body of water with mountains in the background.

We’ll wrap up the cruise in Tokyo, a city that perfectly blends the ultra-modern with the traditional. It’s a place that always has something new to discover, no matter how many times you visit.

Many of us nomads like to arrive a bit early before the cruise departs and stay longer after it ends, traveling around the country together. With Japan’s rich culture and stunning landscapes, I’m sure there will be some amazing plans made.

Traveling in this way, with people who share the same passion for adventure and discovery, makes each destination even better. I can’t wait to see what new stories and experiences this cruise will bring!

Join me on Nomad Cruise 13 to Japan! Get €100 using promo code explorewithlorabcs

a penguin nesting in antarctica. a snowy mountian is in the background.

Daily Life On Board Nomad Cruise

Life on board the Nomad Cruise is a blend of work and leisure, designed to make every day interesting and enriching. While my cruise to Antarctica was more on the adventurous side and not as lavish as typical cruise ships, the upcoming cruise to Japan on Holland America offers top-notch facilities and accommodations.

Daily Routine and Community Building

The day on Nomad Cruise starts with a hearty breakfast, setting everyone up for a day full of activities. Early in the cruise, there’s a strong focus on ice-breaking sessions to foster community vibes. This isn’t too challenging, given that participants are like-minded individuals.

Workshops and Talks

Abstract blurred photo of conference hall or seminar room with speakers on the stage and attendee background

Following breakfast, the curated conference program kicks off. This includes a range of talks and workshops that cover both professional topics like SEO, programming, marketing, and finance, and personal development areas such as breathing techniques, relaxation, relationships, and finding balance.

Talks are generally open to all, providing inspiration and insight, while the workshops are kept to smaller groups to allow for a more engaging, hands-on experience. It seems to be a similar setup to Bansko Nomad Fest, where I learned a ton of helpful tips.

Leisure and Networking

Late afternoons are reserved for relaxation and informal networking. Participants can unwind by the pool, hit the gym, or even play basketball. It’s also a prime time for attendees to organize their own meet-ups or mastermind sessions, which often lead to amazing collaborative opportunities and idea exchanges.

Evening Entertainment

a group of six people cheersing while having dinner on board a cruise ship
Photo Credit: Tijmen Hobbel (@brainbow_photography

Dinners on board are lively events, filled with animated conversations as everyone shares stories from their day. The evenings are capped off with special activities like themed parties or the famous talent show, which is so much fun. Even in Antarctica we managed to pull off the talent show!

Each day on the Nomad Cruise is structured to maintain a perfect balance between productive work sessions and enjoyable leisure activities, ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to grow professionally while also having a fantastic time.

Final thoughts: Nomad Cruise Review

a group of people on a cruise ship holding a nomad cruise flag posing for a photo
Photo Credit: Tijmen Hobbel (@brainbow_photography

When considering whether Nomad Cruise is worth the investment, it’s essential to look beyond just the cost and evaluate the overall value it provides. Having been on the most expensive Nomad Cruise to Antarctica, I can personally attest that the experience was absolutely worth every penny.

The adventure was unlike anything else—truly out of this world. Plus, the added bonus of sharing it with a community of like-minded individuals and forming friendships that last a lifetime made it all the more valuable.

The upcoming cruise to Japan is priced at about a quarter of what I paid for the Antarctica trip, making it an even easier decision. Considering the value it offers in terms of experiences, learning, and networking, it’s a definite yes for me.

As an added bonus, the cruise will feature Starlink internet, allowing everyone to stay connected and keep up with work. Not to mention, unlimited food and booze!

For anyone considering whether to invest in a Nomad Cruise, I would wholeheartedly recommend it. The cost is easily justified by the experiences and the long-term benefits of the connections and learning you’ll gain. If you’re looking to grow, connect, and explore as a digital nomad, this is an opportunity you shouldn’t miss.

Curious to learn more or ready to book your spot? Head over to the Nomad Cruise website for all the details and use promo code explorewithlorabcs for 100 off!

a group of digital nomads on a boat with overlay text nomad cruise review is it worth it to go


  • Lora Pope

    Lora is a full-time digital nomad on a quest to visit every country in the world and pet as many dogs as she can along the way. Over the last 15 years, she has traveled to 70+ countries and six continents solo. She currently calls Puerto Vallarta, Mexico home and enjoys ending each day with sunset and tacos on the beach.

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